Are you updated with the latest UK electricity sector news that can influence your electricity costs?


The UK electricity costs are within the dynamics of the electricity sector, which can be subject to policy updates, changes and new arrangements, especially with the net zero agenda.

In this News section, you have access to links about important updates that can impact your electricity costs.

Electricity Policy Updates Overview

As the electricity sector keeps evolving through new technologies solutions, so does the policy and regulation. Currently, 3 reviews are being assessed by Ofgem, the energy market regulator. Here you can find links to access more details about them:

  • Targeted Charging Review (TCR): TCR is evaluating how the residual network charges components should be set and recovered.
  • Access and Forward-looking Charges: This review is evaluating how charges can provide better signals to the network grid users about the costs and benefits at a particular time and place.
  • Electricity Settlement Reform (ESR): ESR is analysing and proposing a market-wide settlement reform for consumers to be settled by half-hourly energy consumption rather than estimated profile billing. This review is close-related to the Government’s National Strategy Rollout of Smart Meters, which aims to offer smart meter installation for small businesses and domestic consumers in the upcoming years.

Want to know more about your electricity costs and participate in our project?

We are looking for non-domestic energy consumers to engage with our online resources, provide ideas, feedback and become more energy aware in this complex and dynamic energy context!